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Article in Le Temps on Exploring Gender through Virtual Reality

Queer Code Collective was interviewed for an article published in Le Temps, a Swiss news site, on Exploring Gender through Virtual Reality. Written by journalist Pauline Verduziez, the article looks at how various artists and researchers are using virtual reality to fight against discrimination, expand learning possibilities, and explore questions of gender and sexuality.

The collective enjoyed speaking with Pauline about our VR development work, including our recently developed application, Mementorium, and earlier app, Queer and Trans Narratives in VR. Dylan also shared their research on gender and sexuality, VR, and learning.

Here is an excerpt from the article referencing our conversations (in the original French with an English translation following):

Le collectif canadien Queer Code, lui, a mis au point une expérience en réalité virtuelle qui consiste à évoluer dans un monde fictif en entendant des témoignages de personnes queers victimes de discriminations. «L’intention est d’élargir les perspectives sur la marginalisation en fonction du genre ou de la sexualité. Il s’agit de créer un sentiment de compréhension autour de cette lutte», explique Dylan Paré, chercheur-se à la tête du collectif.

The Canadian collective Queer Code has developed a virtual reality experience that consists of moving in a fictional world while hearing testimonies from queer people who are victims of discrimination. “The intention is to broaden perspectives on marginalization based on gender or sexuality. It’s about creating a feeling of understanding around this struggle, ”explains Dylan Paré, researcher at the head of the collective.

Pauline Verduzier, “Explorer le genre grâce à la réalité virtuelle,” Le Temps, January 6, 2021.

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